Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Crazy, Crazy Times

Been away for quite a while, due to a combination of crazy things happening in my life and, of course, my omnipresent resistance to sitting down and writing about myself. I think I'll skip the craziness of the past several weeks, other than to say the lowlights were things like me getting admitted to the hospital for the first time ever, the death of a family friend, and lots of work on the house.

What inspired me to drop in today, though, was the challenge posted on Stitch-Stirrers. Crochet addict that I am, I just had to support the effort. The current challenge is "Limerick Your Crochet". Here's my attempt:

There once was a gal who'd crochet
All the time: every night, every day
She'd spend all her cash
Happy filling her stash
'Til her husband took her hooks away!

It's not true to life, of course. The Cap'n would never deprive me of my hooks! Still, I had fun coming up with it and I am looking forward to the next challenge.


Anonymous said...

Yay...thanks for participating. I like it. You done good. :)

Anonymous said...

Ack! Glad that's not a true limerick. I couldn't live without my hooks. You did good. :) Thanks for participating.

Terri Lynn said...

WEll, it's really okay if you don't blog or or post pics, but it would be really nice to see some of your work, I for one am curious! I am sure others will be too, now that your on Ravelry! Welcome to Ravelry!!!!

Impossigirl said...

Thanks for your comments, Tracie and Terri Lynn. :) I'm looking forward to doing more Stitch-Stirrers projects.

Terri Lynn, I know I'm waaaay behind in getting pics of my stuff online, I'm afraid that's my MO when it comes to pictures. Particularly when I have to chase people down to take pics of items I gave away. Bad me!